Why You Should Use Personal Self-Storage When You Go Travelling

It is becoming more frequent for people to take extended holidays to different destinations to explore and experience foreign shores – the student ‘gap’ year is a common event, but now more and more people take extended ‘career or work breaks’ to further their travel experience. One of the big considerations for people wanting to […]

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Start Student Life With Storage Solutions

It is often said that being a student are some of the best years of your life. This period delivers great education, not only academically, but practical life lessons too. Living independently from your family for the first time offers great opportunities along with challenges. What things do you take with you and where do […]

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How to survive as a student in london

Going to university is an exciting, if somewhat daunting, experience – striking out on your own away from home will bring new opportunities for experiencing many different things and meeting new friends. If you are going to one of the many prestigious London universities then there will be so much on offer for you to […]

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Our quick university packing guide

Whether you are just starting your University experience or returning after the summer holiday, there is always a need for substantial packing – you need to be fully equipped for the busy academic and social year ahead! Here is a quick checklist of the items you will need to have at your disposal when you […]

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Student Summer storage in London

As summer draws in, many students will be considering what to do with their belongings once their tenancy ends with their Landlord, or Halls of Residence are closed down. In many cases, self storage for students is an ideal solution to the problem “where can I put all my belongings?” Here are just a few […]

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Five Reasons Why Students May Need A Storage Unit

Being a student can be tough but one of the issues that you may not even consider when you move into halls for Freshers is how you are going to store your belongings whilst you are at university. Moving your life between locations for the summer break is a big task so you may need […]

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Perfect student storage in London

If you’re at University, or college, as a full-time student living away from home, then you will probably be faced with a major dilemma every year – what do I do with my stuff when changing accommodation? It is not uncommon for students to change their living arrangements with each year of study – from […]

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A quick student guide to self storage

Being a student delivers great education, not only academically, but practical life lessons too! When you left the family home to embark on your independent life adventure, probably the last thing on your mind was that you’d became an expert in moving house! With every passing term and year, however, there is a likelihood you’ll […]

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Students: You don’t need to take your stuff home for Christmas

“I’ll be home for Christmas” – a familiar song at this time of year – and something every parent looks forward to hearing from their offspring currently exiled away from home whilst studying hard! What they may not be quite so keen on though, is the paraphernalia that accompanies the returning child for the holidays. […]

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