Top tips for turning your shed into a home office

Global events have created a different work environment for many of us in recent times – many people now work from home and, going forward, that will remain the case for a great number of people.

Whilst many have adapted to these requirements, it may have been on a ‘temporary’ basis initially but now a longer-term solution is required – you can’t work from your kitchen table or the sofa in your lounge forever! It may be a worthwhile consideration to install a shed or outbuilding in your garden or garage to act as a permanent office space.

Here are some aspects to consider when creating the perfect office in your shed conversion:

Choose the right shed

Consider the type of work you are going to conduct in your new office and choose the most appropriate shed for the work and, of course, your available budget! Think about the space you will need and the necessary facilities and work-related requirements to make the converted shed a practical work environment.


Think about what furniture, storage, and equipment you will need for your outside office – desks, chairs, utilities, lighting, wi-fi access and even items such as a fridge and kettle.


You will, of course, need proper lighting in your office to be able to work there all year round. Consider the type of lighting that is most practical and appropriate for your shed conversion – place your workstation furniture to make the most of any natural light your shed allows and then supplement this with additional lighting – different types of lighting will be more effective than others.


Any workplace needs to be a comfortable space at all times regardless of the time of year. Your outside office will need appropriate heating to keep it comfortable and to help prevent any damp inside your shed.  It doesn’t necessarily need to be a permanent heating installation – portable radiators and heaters can be very effective but ensure whatever source of heating you opt for is fully compliant with health and safety regulations and is appropriate for the shed construction.


It is always wise to insulate your shed office – it will make the shed more comfortable and help retain heat, therefore being more economical to use, and will help protect against outside elements such as damp. It will also act as a form of soundproofing which, dependent upon your sort of work, may be an advantage or if you simply want to listen to music in your office!


Having already discussed issues such as light and heat it is, obviously, essential that your shed conversion has some form of power source. You may well be using a computer or laptop, along with lighting and heating appliances, and you may want to install a microwave and kettle in your office to save traipsing back and forth from the main house whenever you need a drink or food, so you will need an electricity supply. Ensure that any electrical work is carried out by an appropriate registered professional.


This is going to be an everyday workplace for you so ensure that it is maintained in its’ best condition – weatherproof the outside of your shed with the appropriate treatments to keep it dry, protected and to extend the overall lifespan of your new office.


Once your shed is fully equipped you should think about its’ aesthetic look – you want a pleasant working environment so consider how you can decorate and personalise your office space. Hang pictures, lay down rugs, place a few plants around the shed and, if space allows, install a comfy chair as well as the practical work furniture you’ll need.

Business storage

If space is an issue, then consider business storage as an option to help supplement your new office space – long term storage units are practical, affordable and offer an effective solution to any business storage problems you may have!