Everything You Wanted To Know About Personal Storage

We continue our series of articles on various types of storage, this time with a novel approach – by looking at some of the various reasons often given why NOT to do it … and we’ll see how convincing these reasons are!

So, whether you’re moving house, de-cluttering, running a home business, home from travels or university, decorating, having an extension, whatever, read on!

So why SHOULDN’T I consider personal storage?

  • because most stored objects depreciate in value.  Well, that may be the case for certain types of item, but this assumes that you put a financial value on your belongings.  And as we know, some things we can’t put a value on can we?  Old photos, school reports, your collection of vinyl’s, children’s toys.  To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, there are some who know the price of everything and the value of nothing
  • all you’ll do is buy more “stuff”!  Ever put anything in the loft and thought “do I really need this?” … and then found it months or even years later, considered throwing it away, but thought “maybe it will come in handy some day”?  I thought so.  We’re a nation of hoarders, what’s the problem?  (And by the way – maybe it WILL come in handy some day!)
  • personal storage can be costly.  Not if you find the right supplier, where you only pay for the space that you need, where you don’t need to enter into long-term contracts, and you don’t have a long notice period
  • there are security concerns.  Not if your supplier has round the clock monitoring, BT redcare, and secure ring-fenced partitions
  • if you can store it for years and never look at it, you can live without it.  This harks back to the previous point about buying more stuff.  Notwithstanding whether it has any “value” or not, some things are simply too important to throw away – aren’t they?

So, we think we’ve de-bunked the myth that personal storage is a bad idea – but of course if you’re not convinced, then maybe it isn’t an option for you.  Or – and many people use this approach very effectively – you can seize the opportunity offered by the prospect of putting things into personal storage to have a genuine audit.  There probably are some things that can go – along with some things that can’t.  It can quite an enjoyable, not to say eye-opening, experience clearing a loft – and we’re sure you’ll have some pleasant surprises along the way!

But don’t just take our word for it …

In the most recent Self Storage Association UK survey carried out by Deloitte Real Estate, Rennie Schafer, CEO of the Self Storage Association UK, said, “Figures are encouraging as operators are seeing increased occupancy,’ as well as “Life changing moments like moving home and starting families do not stop during recession, and this contributes to the 60% of space that is rented by the private customer.”

Courtesy of  The Mover magazine 2014 and also Deloitte Real Estate

Here’s a link to The Mover that you might find useful.

I’m convinced!  What next?

Look no further!

Here at Chelsea Storage we’ve been providing flexible and cost-effective personal storage for thirty years.

We are conveniently located a short walk from the Kings Road in Chelsea, and have satisfied clients across London who can testify to our capability and customer service.

Feel free to call us anytime on 0808 168 1310 (Freephone) or 0207 351 6800

Alternatively, go straight to our page on personal storage, our home page, or if you want to contact us on-line. We’ll be delighted to help you.