Our top tips for de-cluttering your home in time for Christmas

Christmas time – everyone’s house always seems chaotic – and cluttered – at this time of year! You may be expecting family to stay for a few days, guests to be coming and going over the period – and the dreaded influx of new toys, games, books and such that annually arrive over Christmas. More than at any other time, you find yourself considering how little space you have!

Here are a few things to consider that may help you create some space and present your home in the way you want over the holiday period.

Make the most of existing space

In every home there are spaces that can be utilised for storage that currently aren’t. Unadorned walls can be used for shelving for toys, clothes, books and games. Consider hanging storage hammocks/nets from ceilings in the children’s bedrooms – these are especially suitable for those bulky soft toys and animals that the children have collected over the years!

Pack away ‘out of season’ clothing

Your holiday and warm weather clothing is unlikely to be needed in the immediate future, so pack them away in space saving vacuum bags and store them under beds or similar spaces.

Use storage boxes

Using transparent storage boxes help utilise vital storage space. These allow you to see exactly what is stored where, therefore making items easy to locate. These boxes are robust and can be stacked on top of one another making them a massively efficient use of storage space.

Versatile furniture

Using transparent storage boxes help utilise vital storage space. These allow you to see exactly what is stored where, therefore making items easy to locate. These boxes are robust and can be stacked on top of one another making them a massively efficient use of storage space.

Be ruthless with things you no longer use

Christmas is a great time to donate to charity! At this time of year, all charities welcome extra goods and donations for their various worthy causes. Everyone has clothes, shoes and such that they haven’t worn for a good while – and never will again! Likewise, you may have a lot of books, games and toys that the family have had good use from, but are unlikely to need again. If you have children, there’s a good chance there will be a fresh influx of toys and games this Christmas, so make room for them by donating older items they no longer use.

Chelsea Self Storage

Chelsea Self Storage we have 30 years experience in providing the ideal storage solutions for businesses. We understand the optimal storage methods for archived documents and records and can help you calculate the right size of unit you’ll need to maximise your budget. With some of the lowest competitive rates in the capital, we’re convinced that we can offer a file management solution that’s just right for your business.

We are conveniently located near Kensington, a short walk from the Kings Road in Fulham, and have satisfied clients right across London who can testify to our capability and customer service.

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